/* Pinterest website claiming thingie */ /* That's it for the pinterest thingie */ Aberrant Ceramics: Grell Drama


Aberrant Ceramics is the artwork of Aaron Nosheny,
ceramic artist and potter in Tucson, Arizona.

I work in the medium of stoneware clay and make hand-built pottery, sculpture, hamsas, ornaments, masks, and a variety of other forms.

I’m a self-taught autistic artist working in my medium for over twenty years. I like monsters, insects, weird animals, body horror, folk horror, horror comedy, horror in general, Halloween decorations, fast food mascots, kitsch – all of these creep into my work, but there’s really no overarching theme.

I am in love with my medium. I love the process of frantically birthing clay monstrosities, subjecting them to an epic trial by fire, and sending them out into the world.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Grell Drama

Grell 1's brainlike head was a little loose, so I left a note on the kiln shelf asking whomever loaded it not to lift it by the head. I also left a note outside the kiln saying the same thing, but apparently no one noticed and it survived anyway. I took it inside to glaze and as I lifted it to apply wax resist to the bottom and side of the base, the head fell off and the lower beak broke. If working with clay for seven years has taught me nothing else, it has taught me that

Nothing Can Ever Be Fixed

I destroyed the remainder of the sculpture and spent the next two hours feeling deep hatred towards myself for having broken it. I did decide to dig the remains out of the trash for a picture.

Grell 1 before bisque firing.

I made a new Grell tonight, but I don't like how it came out. I don't think it represents the source image of the grell very well.

The source illustration from The Fiend Folio: