/* Pinterest website claiming thingie */ /* That's it for the pinterest thingie */ Aberrant Ceramics: Aberrant Meercat Pot


Aberrant Ceramics is the artwork of Aaron Nosheny,
ceramic artist and potter in Tucson, Arizona.

I work in the medium of stoneware clay and make hand-built pottery, sculpture, hamsas, ornaments, masks, and a variety of other forms.

I’m a self-taught autistic artist working in my medium for over twenty years. I like monsters, insects, weird animals, body horror, folk horror, horror comedy, horror in general, Halloween decorations, fast food mascots, kitsch – all of these creep into my work, but there’s really no overarching theme.

I am in love with my medium. I love the process of frantically birthing clay monstrosities, subjecting them to an epic trial by fire, and sending them out into the world.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Aberrant Meercat Pot

I'm happy with how the sculptural part of the Aberrant Meercat Pot came out.  I've had several people tell me it looks like a dog, but I think it matches the shape of a meercat's head fairly well.  Here are some meercat photos for reference.

The Aberrant Meercat Pot.  I resisted the urge to try to match the coloration or to try to add texture.

This is my recent dream about a meercat:

I’m at a big party at the studio.  Someone hands me a live meercat.  It keeps biting me with its razor sharp teeth.  Other people are alarmed.  They ask if I let it bite me before.  Someone else holds the meercat and I’m relieved.  Some bites have broken the skin and I wonder if I should seek medical attention.  The meercat has grown into a large, vicious creature which gleefully terrorizes the people at the party.