/* Pinterest website claiming thingie */ /* That's it for the pinterest thingie */ Aberrant Ceramics: January 2014


Aberrant Ceramics is the artwork of Aaron Nosheny,
ceramic artist and potter in Tucson, Arizona.

I work in the medium of stoneware clay and make hand-built pottery, sculpture, hamsas, ornaments, masks, and a variety of other forms.

I’m a self-taught autistic artist working in my medium for over twenty years. I like monsters, insects, weird animals, body horror, folk horror, horror comedy, horror in general, Halloween decorations, fast food mascots, kitsch – all of these creep into my work, but there’s really no overarching theme.

I am in love with my medium. I love the process of frantically birthing clay monstrosities, subjecting them to an epic trial by fire, and sending them out into the world.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Six Holes WIP

Finished version of Desert Mistletoe Candle Holders

This is my second attempt at a non-menorah candle holder with six large holes.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Not a Menorah WIP

Finished version of Desert Mistletoe Candle Holders

I have a commission for a candle holder which is not a menorah.  I planned for six candle holes but somehow I ended up with five.  The pattern is desert mistletoe.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Other Seated Cthulhu WIP

Finished version of Seated Cthulhu 2

This is my second attempt at a seated Cthulhu.  The idea was to make one that I'm more comfortable selling for $20.  

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Seated Cthulhu WIP

Finished version of Seated Cthulhu 1

I received a commission for a seated Cthulhu sculpture with a fairly low budgetary restriction.  This is what I produced last night.  It was a lot of work and the glazing is also likely to be very time-consuming because of all the eyes.  I don't know if I feel right about selling this one for $20, so I might try a simpler version tonight.  

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Mistletoe Menorah WIP

Finished version of Desert Mistletoe Menorah

This is a new slab menorah with a pattern of desert mistletoe.  The sides were still a little soft and they came out slightly warped.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Problem of Tardigrade Feet

Finished version of Tardigrade #8

I've been intending to address the problem of tardigrade feet.  On this tardigrade sculpture, there is a base to support the long claws.  It still doesn't show the curvature of the claws.  I've also taken some liberties with the segmentation of the head.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Bach and Beethoven Objects

I'm always looking for interesting, cheap objects with molded faces to use to make molds.  These are from some small, plastic busts of Bach and Beethoven from Goodwill.

Here are the source objects:

H.P. Lovecraft's Head

I was hoping to incorporate Lovecraft's head into a pot.  It's basically a drawing on clay and I don't draw faces very well.

The photo it's based on:

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Menorah With Worms WIP

Finished version of Screwbean Mesquite Menorah

The decorations on this menorah are not really worms.  They're the seedpods from
Prosopis pubescens, Screwbean Mesquite. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Eye Cup With Ants WIP

Finished version of Eye Cup #16 With Ants

Eye Cup #16, with eyes and ants.

The eleventh eye and sixth ant on the bottom

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Eye Cup WIPs 14 and 15

Finished version of Eye Cup #14
Finished version of Eye Cup #15

Eye Cup #14

Eye Cup #15, a clone of Eye Cup #9, which was damaged in the bisque firing.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Bread-Loaf-Sized Tardigrade

I received a commission to make a bread-loaf-sized tardigrade sculpture through OKCupid.  I would like to announce that my OKCupid profile is still open for commissions.

I'm not sure I came through on the size.  I guess it could be the size of a small loaf of bread which wasn't given enough time to rise.

Ophanim Pot 2

This is my second attempt at the Ophanim Pot.  The Ophanim are an order of Hebrew angels.  It means wheels.  They are also described as thrones.  In some illustrations, they are depicted as interlocking circles covered with eyes and wings.  

In my first attempt, the pot and lid survived the bisque firing, but the glazes melted due to some heat convection anomaly in the kiln, fusing the bottom of the pot to the kiln shelf.  

In this second attempt, the lid cracked in the bisque kiln, but the pot survived.  Unfortunately, the lid from the first one and the pot from the second one don't fit together.

The cracked lid:

Monday, January 6, 2014

Eye Cup WIPs 12 and 13

Finished version of Lips Cup (Eye Cup #12)
Finished version of Eye Cup #13

These are two new eye cups.

Eye Cup 12 is a replacement for Eye Cup 7, which broke in the kiln.  Despite the name, it doesn't have any eyes.

Eye Cup 13

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Milo Cup WIP

Finished version of the Milo Cup

My two-year-old nephew Milo visited my parents and was intrigued by Eye Cup #4 and more specifically with the eye at the bottom of the mug that suddenly appears when you finish your drink.  And so I have been commissioned to make a kid-sized cup with an eye at the bottom.